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Dr. Harmandeep Sidhu is Dermatologist based in Chandigarh. You can book appointment with Dr. Harmandeep Sidhu here at HealthFinder. Doctor offers Hair Loss Treatment , Hair Transplantation , Laser Hair Removal , treatments in Chandigarh.
Dr. Harmandeep Sidhu Degree & Qualifications
Dr. Harmandeep Sidhu has Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), 2007 Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Doctorate of Medicine (MD SKIN AND VD), 2011 Baba Farid University of Health Sciences Specialization: Dermatology / Skin Venerology degrees and qualitifcations.
Dr. Harmandeep Sidhu address
Dr. Harmandeep Sidhu works at Athena Skin Hair and Laser Clinic Scf 31, First Floor, Inner Market, Sector 7 C, Sector 7 Chandigarh, Chandigarh .
Dr. Harmandeep Sidhu Specializations
Dr. Harmandeep Sidhu has following Specializations.
Treatments offered by Dr. Harmandeep Sidhu
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