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Dr. Sachdeva is General Physician based in Chandigarh. You can book appointment with Dr. Sachdeva here at HealthFinder. Doctor offers Balanoposthitis , Bandaid Surgery , Chronic Urinary Tract Infection , Circumcision Clamp , Circumcision , Gynaecologic Laparoscopy , Laparoscopy , Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) , Penile Cancer , Phimosis , treatments in Chandigarh.
Dr. Sachdeva Degree & Qualifications
Dr. Sachdeva has Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degrees and qualitifcations.
Dr. Sachdeva address
Dr. Sachdeva works at Cmc Hospital Chandigarh, Chandigarh .
Dr. Sachdeva Specializations
Dr. Sachdeva has following Specializations.
Treatments offered by Dr. Sachdeva
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