Dr. Anita R Mahey

Dr. Anita R Mahey

Gynaecologist in Chandigarh

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About Dr. Anita R Mahey

Dr. Anita R Mahey is Gynaecologist based in Chandigarh. You can book appointment with Dr. Anita R Mahey here at HealthFinder. Doctor offers Contraception Method , Tubectomy , Vasectomy , treatments in Chandigarh.

Dr. Anita R Mahey Degree & Qualifications

Dr. Anita R Mahey has Doctor of Medicine (MD), 2013 Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Specialization: Obstetrics & Gynaecology FELLOWSHIP IN LAPAROSCOPIC AND ROBOTIC ONCO SURGERY, 2016 Sunrise Hospital, Delhi degrees and qualitifcations.

Dr. Anita R Mahey address

Dr. Anita R Mahey works at Bedi Hospital #182, Sector 33a Chandigarh, Chandigarh 160033 .

Dr. Anita R Mahey Specializations

Dr. Anita R Mahey has following Specializations.

Treatments offered by Dr. Anita R Mahey

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