Dr. Ashima Goel
Dr. Ashima Goel is an experienced Dermatologist practising in Chandigarh. She has acquired her medical degrees from reputed institutions.
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Dr. Ashima Goel is an experienced Dermatologist practicing in Chandigarh. She has acquired her medical degrees from reputed
institutions. Dr. Ashima offers holistic and comprehensive solutions to skin-related problems.
She offers an evaluated customized treatment for every patient, as every skin is different. After a comprehensive discussion with the patient, she moves ahead with the treatment. Every treatment offered by Dr. Ashima is individually designed to suit different skin types. She is well experienced with cosmetology and different laser surgery.
Her holistic approach to patient’s problems makes her unique. She suggests the best solution to avoid the reccurrence of the same problem. Her patients have always recommended her based on their excellent experience. To solve all your skin-related problems visit Dr. Ashima.
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