Dr. Gaurav Dhuper

Dr. Gaurav Dhuper

General Physician in Chandigarh

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About Dr. Gaurav Dhuper

Dr. Gaurav Dhuper is General Physician based in Chandigarh. You can book appointment with Dr. Gaurav Dhuper here at HealthFinder. Doctor offers Back Pain , Chiropractic Treatment , Coccydynia , Compression Fracture , Facet Joint Syndrome , Kyphosis , Lordosis , Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) , Osteomyelitis (OM) , Pain Management , Pediatric (Children) Spinal Tumors , Physical Therapy , Radiography , Scheuermann's Kyphosis , Scoliosis , Spinal Disc Herniation , Spinal Disorders , Spinal Nerve Disorders , Spinal Stenosis , Spondylolisthesis , Spondylosis , treatments in Chandigarh.

Dr. Gaurav Dhuper Degree & Qualifications

Dr. Gaurav Dhuper has Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), 2005 Pgimer Rohtak Master of Surgery (MS), 2010 Pgimer Rohtak Specialization: Orthopaedics degrees and qualitifcations.

Dr. Gaurav Dhuper address

Dr. Gaurav Dhuper works at Dhuper Hospital #405 Gali Number 7, Ambala National Highway, Zirakpur Ho, Zirakpur 140603, Behind Vijaya/uco Bank Preet Colony Chandigarh, Chandigarh 140603 .

Dr. Gaurav Dhuper Specializations

Dr. Gaurav Dhuper has following Specializations.

Treatments offered by Dr. Gaurav Dhuper

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