Phone Number
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Dr. Lalit Vermani is General Physician based in Chandigarh. You can book appointment with Dr. Lalit Vermani here at HealthFinder.
Dr. Lalit Vermani Degree & Qualifications
Dr. Lalit Vermani has Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), 1980 Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences degrees and qualitifcations.
Dr. Lalit Vermani address
Dr. Lalit Vermani works at Dr Vermanis Clinic and Vaccination Centre S. C. O. 9, Sector 2, Panchkula, Panchkula, Panchkula, Panchkula Chandigarh, Chandigarh .
Dr. Lalit Vermani Specializations
Dr. Lalit Vermani has following Specializations.
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