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Dr. Varinder Singh Chandhok is Alternative Medicine Specialist based in Chandigarh. You can book appointment with Dr. Varinder Singh Chandhok here at HealthFinder. Doctor offers Ketogenic Diet , treatments in Chandigarh.
Dr. Varinder Singh Chandhok Degree & Qualifications
Dr. Varinder Singh Chandhok has Alternative Medicine Specialist General Physician General Physicians are highly trained specialists who provide the non-surgical treatment to adult patients, particularly who are referred to them by other doctors, most commonly by the patient's general practitioner. They care for the most difficult, serious or complex medical problems and continue to see the patient until these problems have been stabilized or resolved completely. General physicians are trained to carry out a variety of medical procedures for the diagnosis and management of patients with infectious and tropical diseases like HIV, tuberculosis, Kala Azar, Malaria, Cholera, and Diarrhea. They also undertake the teaching and administrative responsibilities which includes supervision and training to medical staff, planning medical programs, management of hospital pharmacy, and proper monitoring of medical activities in the hospital. degrees and qualitifcations.
Dr. Varinder Singh Chandhok address
Dr. Varinder Singh Chandhok works at .
Dr. Varinder Singh Chandhok Specializations
Dr. Varinder Singh Chandhok has following Specializations.
Treatments offered by Dr. Varinder Singh Chandhok
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