
Diet Should be Followed After Knee Replacement Surgery

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Diet Should be Followed After Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty. It is a surgical procedure to replace the weight-bearing surface of the knee joint to relieve pain and disability.

After Knee Replacement Surgery:

What To Eat And What To Avoid?

After surgery, your first priority is to heal. You want to feel better and get back to your usual activities as early as’s smart to pay attention to your diet after surgery. Proper nutrition can aid healing and recovery and eating the wrong foods at the wrong time can trigger unwelcomed complications.

Knee Replacement diet

Eat: Clear Fluids

Doctors want to be sure that your digestive system is functioning well before you start eating a solid diet. So your immediate post-surgery diet should be restricted to clear fluids:
Knee Replacement Liquid Diet

* Water
* Ice
* Coconut water
* Apple juice
* Cranberry juice
* Grape
* Tea broth
* Gelatin
* Electrolyte drinks and popsicles.
* Don’t guzzle liquid, go slowly at first.
* Adequate fluid intake will also prevent dehydration.

Avoid: Cheese

Constipation is incredibly common after surgery.

Avoid High – fat food like cheese can also trigger nausea.

 Eat: Yogurt

Most people receive antibiotics during and after surgery.

These medications can help prevent and treat infection,

but they can also disturb the balance of bacteria in the gut.

  • Yogurt contains healthy bacteria; it is unlikely to cause nausea after surgery.
  • It contains zinc and protein, two nutrients that promote healing.
  • Probiotics are the happy, healthy bacteria that your body needs to digest food, provide mental balance and fight off all the germs and infections you are prone to after a hospital stay or procedure.

some of the common forms of probiotics-rich food are:

  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Sauekraut
  • Kimchi

anesthetics, antibiotics, and painkillers upset the delicate balance in your gut leaving you with digestive system upsets, constipation, and nausea.

Avoid: Fried Or Fatty Food

Fried food is not a great nutritional choice. It is a good idea to focus on foods that contain the nutrients you need to heal such as :

  • Protein
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E and zinc

Additionally, fried and fatty food can cause nausea or vomiting.

  Eat: Lean Meats And Seafood

It is an excellent post-surgical choice to promote healing.

  • Fatty fish such as
  • white caught salmon and tuna, contain omega -3 fatty acids, which can decrease inflammation in the body and prevent infection.

 Avoid: Alcohol

  • Alcohol plus pain pills can affect thinking and slow breathing to potentially dangerous levels.
  • Alcohol is also dehydrating, and your body needs plenty of healthy fluids to heal.

Eat: Berries

The antioxidants in berries help support the functioning of the immune system, which may help you avoid infection after surgery.


raspberries and blackberries are all high in vitamin c.

A handful of berries and few nuts pack a nutritional punch.

Avoid Highly Processed Food

Nutrition is the key post-surgery.

Eat: Whole Grain

Whole grain contains a lot of fiber, which may help avoid post-surgical constipation.

Whole grain includes

  • Barley
  • bulgur
  • quinoa
  • and millet also contains protein, zinc, magnesium, and B vitamins.

Eat: Dark Leafy Green

These foods are high in fiber and antioxidants, so they aid Digestion and support the immune system.

Avoid Vitamin K After Surgery

Immediately after the surgery and while taking blood thinners, it’s best to be mindful of your intake of foods that are high in vitamin K, such as:

  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • Brussels sprouts
  • liver
  • green beans
  • garbanzo beans
  • lentils
  • soybeans
  • kale
  • cabbage
  • onions
vitamin K enhances blood clotting.

Eat These Foods To Speed Up Recovery After Surgery

Recovery speed and effectiveness after orthopedic surgery are largely determined by what we eat. Not only does our body need more calories to recover, but surgery also causes a stress reaction in the body that elevates the metabolism and increases our need for calories.

If we don’t fuel our recovery with the proper foods, complications are more likely to arise.

Top Recommendations Of Food After Knee Replacement Surgery


Make sure the patient incorporates some into each meal to allow the rebuild of bones and muscles. It helps the immune system stay strong enough to fight off infection.

Rich sources of proteins are

  • Soy
  • dairy products
  • beans eggs
  • cottage cheese
  • pulses
  • poultry
  • Fish
  • Meat and
  • nuts
  • tofu

One egg provides you

  • 6 Grams of protein
  • Vitamin A, E
  • B complex vitamins(including b12)
  • Riboflavin
  • folic acid
  • Calcium
  • zinc
  • iron


It helps the body make collagen. When a body is recovering, it needs healthy connective tissue and collagen is what those ligaments and tendons are made of. Citrus fruits, vegetables, berries, and potatoes can help ensure you get enough vitamin C.


This mineral is not made in the body and our bones are continually losing a small amount of it.,so we need to consume calcium to maintain strong bones. Following things are loaded with calcium:

  • dairy products like:
  • milk
  • cheese
  • curd
  • yogurt
  • spinach
  • kale and
  • chia seeds


This nutrient makes sure we can absorb calcium from the food we eat and can be found in orange juice, almond milk, and many of the same foods that contain protein and calcium.

You can get vitamin D in other ways also:

  • Eating oily fish
  • mushrooms and
  • fortified foods
  • Receiving 5-30 minutes of sun exposure during peak daylight hours.
  • taking supplement


Antioxidants are a powerhouse of nutrition that helps the body repair damage. Perfect for after surgery.

Fruits with antioxidants are

  • grapes
  • pomegranates
  • blueberries
  • raspberries
  • strawberries goji berries
  • blackberries

Research shows that vitamin C is helping in rebuilding collagen and soft tissues.

  • Carrot
  • Sweet bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Brussel sprout
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Potatoes

Carbohydrates provide your brain with energy and stop the muscle from breaking down. The body will also get a boost of vitamin A and C.


Fat is essential for strengthening your immune system and decreasing the chances of infection.

Healthy fats to include

  • olive oil
  • avocados
  • coconut oil
  • nuts
  • seeds

Fat provides you with a long-lasting source of energy. Many types of fats and nuts are high in vitamin E particularly almonds. Vitamin E also heals wounds faster and reduces the appearance of scars.

Brightly colored fruits are Good After Knee Replacement

Pile a bowl full of the brightest colored fruits and veggies and get a good dose of vitamin A, C, carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, and nutritious calories your body needs to bounce back.

Fruits that provide fiber with a dose of color, vitamins, and energy-boosting carbs:

  • oranges
  • Apples
  • Berries
  • Melon
  • Apples
  • Berries
  • Papaya
  • Mango
  • Grapefruit
  • Tomatoes
  • Apricots

Not only are fruits a powerhouse of healing nutrition, but they are also light on the stomach and ideal for small and regular portions.

Anti-inflammatory Diet


Foods that reduce inflammation such as turmeric, ginger, and fish oil supplements are said to help with joint stiffness following your surgery.

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About author
Hi, I am Dr.Sonia Sondhi. I did B.d.s, PGDHHM(Symbiosis) from Pune. I have started my journey at HealthFinder in wrapping words in colorful ways to make the topic a rainbow.
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shivangi arry
shivangi arry
1 year ago

Hi- My mother undergo TKR in Jan 23 and unfortunately she developed infection in one Knee after 2 moths and reoperated again in April.
After 2nd surgery on one knee, everything was going well, but now again after 2months, report are showing infection and she has developed lil pain, heaviness in the operated leg and fever.
We are under observation and currently following 5 days Antibiotic course.

Could you please help us to understand the situation here, We are regular in touch with Doctor.
Is there anything in diet we are missing or exercise?
After first operate we followed the Therapy for 2 months, but after second operated we were advice to not do much exercise.

Could you please share your views on such cases

Looking for your reply.

Alka Tiwari
1 year ago
Reply to  shivangi arry

We understand that you are concerned about the situation your mother is in and we are here to help. It is important that your mother continues the 5 day antibiotic course as instructed. Additionally, diet can be an important tool for managing infection and recovery. Eating foods that are rich in antioxidants such as berries, nuts, and vegetables can help boost the body’s natural healing system. Regular exercise can also be beneficial, but check with her doctor to make sure they do not have any restrictions on type or intensity of activity they suggest. Finally, make sure to keep in touch with her doctor so they can monitor her progress and ensure she gets back to good health soon!

Alka Tiwari

Alka Tiwari
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