
Best Psychiatrist in Chandigarh

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Best Psychiatrist in Chandigarh

Psychiatry is a field of medical science that centres around the diagnosis and treatment of behavioural, emotional, and mental disorders.

People take the help of psychiatry doctors in Chandigarh to prevent further mental health deterioration, as well.

In general, psychiatrists look into both the physical and psychological condition of their patients to properly ascertain their health problems. Both aspects are closely interlinked. Indeed, what is troubling you mentally can manifest into visible symptoms or behaviours, like an inability to sleep or depression, respectively.

However, this is not always common; mental health problems influence individuals silently. Often, symptoms are not visible at all, which is why there is a high level of misinformation and doubt about the validity of mental healthcare. In the current period though, the educated masses are taking it more seriously.

Many individuals consult with a psychiatrist in Chandigarh for prevention and treatment. The Indian healthcare system does pay close attention to the mental health aspect of patients’ well-being. So, there are multiple reliable specialists in psychiatry available in different cities, including Chandigarh.

What is the main purpose of a psychiatrist?

Patients opt for psychiatric support due to many situations. Mostly, the symptoms come suddenly, like hallucinations, panic attacks, or suicidal thoughts. Some people have addictions or notice psychological deterioration due to genetic diseases.
Additionally, many notice the long-term symptoms of psychiatric problems, like a sinking feeling of hopelessness, sadness, or extreme anxiety.

Most of these influence their regular lifestyle and functioning, which prompts people to seek out psychiatrists. These M.D.s conduct several psychological and medical lab tests to check the health condition of their patient. They also offer time and attention to them, allowing them to express their problems in an unbiased calm environment.
Many of the patients thrive in this situation; finding a floor to air out their grievances and thoughts gives them much-need mental clarity.

Every psychiatrist in Chandigarh evaluates these results (tests and sessions) comprehensively to determine what is affecting their patient.

Psychiatrists are trained medical experts, so they utilize their knowledge of medical illnesses and the emotional state of their clients to find solutions. They also study their genetic/family history to complete their diagnosis. For the treatment, they work closely with their patient to prepare for their recovery path.
The psychiatrists in Chandigarh go standard psychiatry education of 4 years. Some continue with specialized training and excel in particular fields, like:

  • Geriatric psychiatry
  • Child/adolescent psychiatry
  • Addiction psychiatry
  • Legal psychiatry (forensic science)
  • Pain medication
  • Sleep medicine
  • Psychosomatic medicine (the connection between body and mind)
  • Psychoanalysis

When should you visit a psychiatrist?

1. Traumatic occurrences are common for most people, such as losing someone close due to untimely death, like an accident or illness. Also, some people go through very troubling situations that influence their mental health, like soldiers who have PTSD after wartime. Such situations can leave a person unable to carry out their lives as normal and need someone for support. Psychiatrists help out there.

2.  Addiction is sadly very common among people, especially in India. Whether the substance in question is drugs or alcohol, a lot of individuals grow dependent on them. That, in turn, results in a variety of mental and behavioural issues. Many develop sleeping disorders and eating problems due to unhealthy lifestyle choices. Consulting a psychiatrist in Chandigarh is helpful. They assess the cause for these types of coping mechanisms and work on them with their patients.

3. Relationships with partners and family members are highly important for the mental and emotional well-being of individuals. However, they are just as complicated, and many people suffer from issues in their personal relationships. People who have a bad home life or are facing problems with their partners can consult psychiatrists. The latter offers individual sessions or work in a group setting with their patients to talk out the issues.

4. Having a fear (phobia) of spiders or heights is nothing new. In fact, a lot of people have phobias regarding various factors and some are very specific. Mostly, these do not affect the health of a person directly. Yet, particular unusual phobias can harm people’s well-being, like fear of eating or sitophobia.

5. In a person’s life, there are many things like work pressure or financial issues that cause extreme stress. With time, their anxiety increases and can later result in serious problems like depression or social isolation. While the main medical specialists that handle such cases are primarily psychologists, it does indirectly fall under the domain of psychiatry as well.

Top Psychiatrists in Chandigarh

Dr. Sudha Jain


With experience spanning over 43 years, Dr Sudha Jain is one of the most well-known and efficient psychiatrists in Chandigarh. She holds both the MD and MBBS degrees from two renowned institutes, the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh and Christian Medical College in Ludhiana respectively.

Dr Jain specializes in different branches of psychiatry, such as psychological testing, child psychiatry, family therapy, EEG lab testing, and De-addiction therapy.

Dr. Sumeet Inder Singh


Dr Sumeet Inder Singh is another notable name you should consider when you are looking for the best psychiatrist in Chandigarh. This professional has multiple credentials in this field, C.C.S.T. (U.K.), Senior Consultant Psychiatrist M.D. in Psychiatry and Sexologist under the ACS (American College of Sexologists) in the United States.

Additionally, Dr Singh also provides drug de-addiction therapy to patients in Chandigarh. Common services that this specialist offers include anxiety disorder treatment, depression treatment, anger management, de-addiction, psychiatric therapy, and bipolar disorder treatment, among others.

Dr. Munish Aggarwal


Another reliable specialist in the psychiatry field operating out of Chandigarh is Dr Munish Aggarwal. He is one of the most well-known psychiatrists in this city and caters to multiple patients at his office. Dr Aggarwal holds work experience of 7 years and more in this field. He has handled many cases over his entire career, with successful results.

His services are extensive and cover a lot of conditions. Some of them include Marital and Sexual therapy, anxiety disorder, epilepsy, behavioural problems, Autism, OCD, psychosis, counselling, Drug and Alcohol dependency treatment, and bipolar disorder.

Dr. Parmod Kumar


If you are looking for the top-rated psychiatrist in Chandigarh, Dr Parmod Kumar is someone you should consider. He offers a vast range of treatments for behavioural, mental, and emotional disorders, and additional counselling support. Dr Kumar started his career in this field many years ago and holds many degrees under his belt.

These include M.D. in Psychiatry, M.B.B.S., IFAPA in Psychiatry (United States), FIIO PM-Psychiatry (Australia-UK), FIAPP, FIPS, and International Ambassadorship for Addiction Psychiatry in USA-APA.

Dr. Bhupinderjit Kaur Waraich


People in need of family or child psychiatry support can rely on Dr Bhupinderjit Kaur Waraich. She holds around 20 years and counting experience in mental health cases. Her speciality mainly falls under the branches of geriatric and child psychiatry. Dr Waraich has an M.B.B.S. degree from the Patiala-based Government Medical College.

She completed her M.D. in Psychiatry from the same institute. Her specialities cover Child/Adolescent Counselling, Stress Management, Psycho-Sexual Counselling, Marital counselling, to name a few.

How to choose the best psychiatrist in Chandigarh?

Yes, there are many multi-certified and dependable psychiatrists in Chandigarh you can reach out to. Not to mention, they are capable of helping out with different types of mental health conditions with the best results.

However, psychiatry as a field itself is complex; one cannot physically see most of the symptoms. Hence, knowing for sure that a treatment is working is not possible. Plus, since a major part of the psychiatry treatment relies on a patient interacting with their doctor, finding an interpersonal connection is necessary. If a patient feels uncomfortable or cannot bond with their psychiatrist, they are less likely to open up.

So, choosing a compatible psychiatry specialist in Chandigarh is important. In this case, consider the following points carefully.

1. Ask your general doctor about a referral. In most situations, the primary care doctor provides a list of notable psychiatrists to their patients by themselves after they conduct the initial assessment. If they see a potential psychological disorder, they would offer this suggestion. Also, attach other referred names from your close friends and family to the list. Those who have gotten help from them previously would know their performance level best. So, take all referrals seriously.

2. Indeed, the experience level of a psychiatrist in Chandigarh does matter when you are planning to hire them. Someone who has high credentials may not possess a lot of practical experience. Therefore, they cannot handle complex or unusual conditions or patients with as much confidence and patience as the more experienced doctors. Furthermore, psychiatrists with years of experience have done specialized treatments before, like electroconvulsive therapy or transcranial magnetic stimulation. Since they have practice, they are less likely to do many errors.

3. Properly look through all options and research them individually. What credentials are available? What kind of cases do they handle? Questions like these, and more, would allow you to narrow down your choices. Besides the skill-related concerns, check if they have any issues in the past.

4. Some professionals continue with their services even after malpractice cases or disciplinary complaints. Research if the psychiatrist you are considering has such a history.

5. Ask the doctor if they offer telecommunication services. Often, the symptoms of mental health issues like depression can come at random times, like in the middle of the night. You should consider your needs while hiring a psychiatrist. Do they only offer office-hour services, or have a telehealth feature for overtime assistance?

6. Of course, mental or emotional problems are very personal in nature. Some things, like marital abuse or sexual abuse, are hard topics to talk about, for patients. If the doctor is someone of the opposite sex, a lot of them may feel uncomfortable discussing their situation openly. While gender typically does not factor into a doctor’s proficiency level, one can consider it as a deciding factor here. It is understandable for patients to gravitate towards someone they are comfortable with.

7. Go through the reviews and feedback of previous patients at their websites or medical forums. These reviews include their views on the administrative points like the scheduling process or waiting time to work quality points like the behaviour of the staff. To note, do not rely on one or two reviews only. Read through many to figure out a pattern.


Consulting psychiatrists if you are going through a tough time is important. After all, mental health issues creep into the psyche and most symptoms do not appear until it is too late. Accordingly, you should consult with a reliable psychiatrist in Chandigarh after checking your options and their skill level.

They offer a variety of services, from standard counselling to rehabilitation support for addicts. All things considered, consult with your primary care physician first before selecting a psychiatrist for help.

Best Psychiatrist in Chandigarh
  • Dr. Sudha Jain
  • Dr. Sumeet Inder Singh
  • Dr. Munish Aggarwal
  • Dr. Parmod Kumar
  • Dr. Bhupinderjit Kaur Waraich


Psychiatrists look into both the physical and psychological conditions of their patients to properly ascertain their health problems. Both aspects are closely interlinked. Indeed, what is troubling you mentally can manifest into visible symptoms or behaviors, like an inability to sleep or depression, respectively.

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A content writer by day and a reader by night. I have a passion for writing and enjoy working in this field. I am adept at meticulously researching any topic given and work to produce original yet engaging prose.
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