
Tea For Menstrual Cramps: Highly Beneficial!

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Tea For Menstrual Cramps: Highly Beneficial!

Tea For Menstrual Cramps: Highly Beneficial!

Do you experience severe pelvis cramps during your periods? A pain that makes your daily routine up and down? A pain that doesn’t let you sleep?

Of course, you have plenty of remedies to topple this pain, like over-the-counter painkillers, hot baths, applying a heating pad near your lower abdominal area, avoiding sweets, drinking a lot of water, and so forth!


Are you yet to find the benefits of herbal tea for menstrual cramps?

That’s right! Certain herbal teas may keep you hydrated, promote relaxation and sleep, and relieve your period pain or discomfort, acting as the natural torch bearer in the drug vs. natural approach. How about a brief look through them below?

Chamomile Tea

Two cups of chamomile tea each day in the pre-week and during your period may come to your rescue to relieve you from period cramps at night and enable you to sleep peacefully. All you need herein are boiling water and two tablespoons of dried or freshly foraged chamomile flowers!

These flowers entail anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties that reduce the painful sensation. Instead, you may feel relaxed and get some sound sleep. This is because chamomile flowers are also rich in chemical compounds called apigenin, which acts on the brain receptors to create a soothing effect.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

With some red raspberry leaves and boiling water, you may get the solution to your pre-menstrual syndromes (PMS), such as fatigue, nausea, lower abdominal cramps, etc. You may find the period pain reliever!

The taste remains almost that of black tea. And no way of the raspberries; you have a lot!

This herbal tea tends to relax your body muscles, minimizing uterine contraction and subsequently; ensuring a better flow. Two tablespoons of raspberry leaves would be enough. You can even get raspberry leaf teabags from the market.

Peppermint Tea

The menthol-containing peppermint leaves are anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and analgesic. Thus, tea made with peppermint leaves may help relax your pelvic muscles and reduce uterine contraction, thus eliminating menstrual cramps.

You can apply peppermint essential oil near your lower abdomen as an alternative. However, the two tablespoons of peppermint leaves, fifty milliliters of boiling water, and some lemon to freshen; honey to sweeten is always a better choice!


Peppermint tea is not so suitable for breastfeeding mothers, gallstone patients, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) patients, or those with liver disease.  So, if you are one of them; and in search of beneficial teas for menstrual cramps, opt for any other variant, not this!

Cinnamon Tea

Another beneficiary tea for menstrual cramps is certainly cinnamon tea! Yes. I know it’s mildly spicy and mildly sweet. But, to see the positive side, it’s antioxidant. It’s anti-inflammatory. It’s antifungal.

Medical experts say these herbal teas can reduce bloating accompanying abdominal crampons during your period. Perhaps, cinnamon teas have remained in use for centuries to heal several health conditions naturally. They are efficient in managing polycystic ovary syndromes too!

Two cinnamon sticks added with any tea bag, be it white tea, ginger tea, or anything other, works great!

Ginger Tea

Adhrak-Wali-Chai is, what we call, ginger tea, a great natural pain reliever during periods; indeed!

The high content of gingerol, chogaol, and zingerone present in this tea, made from the pungent ginger roots, is what actually helps you face conditions like bloating and pelvic pain during period days.

Experts also say that If nausea and vomiting are associated with your menstruation, one centimeter of ginger root, grated or chopped finely, in four-liter water may give a refreshing sensation! It’s spicy, but some honey syrup may add the sweetness you want; if so!

Green Tea

Do you know what dried camellia sinensis leaves are? That’s from where green tea comes! The ones that are yet to age!

These leaves contain antioxidant compounds and have certain anti-inflammatory effects on your body, reducing bloating and pain associated with menstruation. Another compound, known as L-theanine, help reduce your dopamine level and keep you calm and relaxed.

Green tea is more like a sudden burst of energy during your tiring period days. However, it does contain some amount of caffeine. So if your immunity and caffeine do not go well, feel free to opt for a non-caffeinated alternative.

Lavender Tea

Although people prefer using lavender for aromatherapy, having thirty grams of lavender leaves in one liter of boiling water thrice a day, typically after each meal, may relieve you from the discomfort of period cramps.

Yes. This herbal tea is analgesic, meaning it has soothing or relaxing properties that work on your brain receptors to calm you down.

Please note that patients with a medical history of gastric ulcers should not drink this tea. Your period cramps may reduce with other natural remedies, but having lavender leaves in such a condition can be harmful, beware!

Fennel Tea

Fennel is typically a herb loaded with anti-oxidants, like vitamin C or quercetin, which create anti-inflammatory effects, easing out; your menstrual cramps! It somewhat; has a licorice taste, and one tablespoon of fennel seeds and one cup of boiling water is enough to serve. You can also go for ready-made fennel ta bag.

You need to have two to three cups a day. Make sure to have it twenty minutes before your meals.

A 2020 review shows that fennel tea for menstrual cramps is a better remedy than a placebo (or sugar pills). However, medical experts also say that pregnant or breastfeeding women should not pick fennel tea to seek relief from their pain and discomfort.

Oolong Tea

A traditional Chinese tea, oolong tea, is another herbal solution that may help you find relief from period discomfort and pain. Well, it is a cross-species between black and green tea, aiming to provide a few health benefits from each!

You are likely to find the tea orange to pale yellow. This is because the tea is made when the leaves are dried and partially aged.

You may get a fruity taste from it or floral; maybe!

Besides, oolong tea also contains caffeine components, and the amount depends on type and brewing strength. Studies note that green tea is more efficient as a period pain reliever than oolong tea.

Basil Tea

Unless you have low blood pressure or are breastfeeding or pregnant, basil tea may be your option to pick from for menstrual cramp relief. This tea is rich in eugenol, an essential oil, linalool, another, and also geraniol!

Moreover, basil tea encompasses anti-spasmodic properties. It might help your case! The only ingredients are ten dried or fresh basil leaves and one cup of water. Three times a day is the best dietary routine to follow.

Oregano Tea

Did you know the aromatic herb oregano is also anti-inflammatory? That’s true! One tablespoon of dried oregano leaves and a cup of hot water can provide anti-oxidants to your body and aid in relieving you of your menstrual discomfort and pain.

In fact, studies state that daily intake of oregano leaves may help regulate your menstrual cycles. It’s slightly bitter in taste but not in terms of health value. Recent research shows that these leaves also have cancer and high cholesterol-fighting properties.

Wormwood Tea

Wormwood is that herb known to benefit digestion and ease out inflammations. Hence, medical experts predict that wormwood tea (or artemisia leaves) may help combat menstrual cramps too!

One tablespoon of the leaves is enough for a time! It is advisable that you drink two to three cups per day. If not possible on a daily basis, you may, at least, try for the days of your menstruation and see whether it works.

For pregnant women and those breastfeeding, wormwood tea is not recommended.

Thyme Tea

The popular culinary herb thyme may also arise as a beneficial tea for menstrual cramps, says some medical experts and scientists! A small study on Ethiopian teenagers affirms a nearly 63.2% reduction in menstrual pain. But, there’s not enough research to prove its definite health benefits.

When you drink, it’s plausible that you get a powerful earthy flavor from this tea. Trust me; you are going it like the taste!

Since thyme is rich in phenol, an antiseptic, you may also be free from infections associated with menstruation. Why not take a try?

Hibiscus Tea

The beautiful flower we all are almost a fan of, Hibiscus, may even serve as a healthy tea for menstrual cramps. This flower has been utilized as a medicine for various natural Ayurveda treatments for ages. It is often associated with lowering blood pressure, healthy metabolism, and reduced PMS symptoms.

Experts say that hibiscus tea can be beneficial in bringing on your period as it is known to impact your estrogen levels. This can further help erase your tension of unwanted pregnancy.

One cup of dried hibiscus flower can offer you two liters of tea. You may as well reconfigure the recipe with honey, ice, and maple syrup!

Rose-hip Tea

Another floral accessory or pseudo-fruit widely used in traditional Chinese medicines, rosehip is well known for its advantages to women’s reproductive health. Rosehips are rich in Vitamins E, C, B, and K and may effectively work to reduce your menstrual cramps.

Most teabags made from rosehips are likely to contain zero caffeine. But, yet if you want to make it at home, a tablespoon of crushed dried rosehips and one cup of water is all you require. You can simply go for the fresh rosehip version!

What you have to do to prepare the tea is steep, strain, sweeten with maple or honey syrup, and serve!

Rose Petal Tea

Another herbal tea that may help minimize your menstrual cramps is what we refer to as rose petal tea. As the name suggests, this tea is made from rose petals and is an aromatic herbal beverage!

The antioxidant properties present in rose petals may help you relieve pain and create a relaxing effect during your menstruation. A study affirms that drinking two cups of rose petal tea for about a week before your periods and continuing it for six cycles stand effective in this regard.

Nettle Leaf Tea

The grassy, earthy-flavored nettle leaves are nowadays one of the prevalent components used in herbal teas. It is because nettle leaves are major sources of vitamins and minerals.

They are known to have various health benefits, from strengthening your adrenaline gland and reducing bloating to processing extra estrogen and clearing your flow while you bleed.

You do not have to forge through the forest lands to get nettle leaves. Readymade nettle leaf teabags are already available in the market. Otherwise, you may use two ounces of nettle leaves for eight cups of water. The tea shall require around four to twelve hours to steep.

Dandelion Tea

Roasted dandelion leaves and ready-made dandelion herbal teabags may also turn beneficial in decreasing your menstrual cramps. But certainly, not those growing in your back gardens. It is because the leaves may bear pesticides and animal excretion poisonous to the human body.

First and foremost, dandelion tea may work as a diuretic and increase urine output. They are a good source of Vitamins A and C and potassium. Doctors may recommend it to topple bloating and pain accompanying your periods naturally.

I must say, dandelion tea leaves room for gala refreshment during your periods. It worked for me in such a way!

Bottom Line: 

Medical research is still on to confirm the efficacy of this herbal tea in dealing with menstrual cramps and overall health. In recent days, many people acknowledge these naturally edible floral parts effective in menstrual pain reduction; and many do not!

You may always take your doctor’s advice in this matter. And make it a part of your dietary habits, as per your menstrual cycles.

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Hi, I’m Alka Tiwari, healthcare marketer at HealthFinder. I started this blog to help you provide better healthcare information directly from the doctors.
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