
What Helps Hair Growth After Chemo: What Do The Experienced Patients Say?

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What Helps Hair Growth After Chemo: What Do The Experienced Patients Say?

What Helps Hair Growth After Chemo?

Hello! I’m your next-door healthcare blogger with a scoop on what helps hair growth after chemo. Perhaps, losing hair is an inevitable post-effect of chemotherapy, required for various cancer treatments. So is its frustration!

But, I would like to add, as the saying goes, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way…” you do; get hacks, or natural hacks, to be precise, to boost your hair growth after your exhausting chemo sessions.


After chatting with a truckload of cancer warriors, I’ve got the skinny on natural remedies to help you make your hair bloom again. From essential oils to scalp massages, these tricks will have you saying, “Hair today, fabulous tomorrow!”

Why wait? Dive in!

Use of Essential Oils & Scalp Stimulation

The first individual I interviewed for this work was Sara Khatun, a breast cancer survivor. From her, I learned that using essential oils, such as lavender, rosemary, and cedarwood, has helped stimulate her hair growth after chemo. With consistent application, Sarah experienced a significant reduction in hair loss and noticed new hair growth within a few months.

In asking how it helped, Sara told me, “These aromatic wonders have properties that promote hair growth. Blood circulation improves by gently massaging a mixture of essential oils with carrier oil into the scalp. I remember feeling calm and relaxed every time I massaged my scalp with essential oil blends.”

On the same note, another person named Emily, a yoga instructor in Goa, 38 years, a resilient fighter against ovary cancer, talked about how she got her short pixie hair in only 18 months from her chemo sessions.

Emily discovered that stimulating her scalp regularly can help stimulate hair follicles. She said, “ I used a handheld scalp massager for this and sometimes, just my fingertips to massage my scalp in circular motions. I try to do this even today for a few minutes every day.”

Having A Balanced Diet

Then, via an online platform, I met Lisa, a vibrant 40-year-old woman who battled early-stage lymphoma. After undergoing chemotherapy last year and experiencing hair loss, she’s now rocking a stylish short hairdo and feeling healthier than ever!

While discussing what helped her hair growth after chemo, she spoke about a couple of them but emphasized more on maintaining a balanced diet. She said, “With a nutrient-packed diet, my hair grew faster, became shinier, and felt more resilient. Today, I truly;  believe that a healthy body leads to healthy hair.”

I asked about her diet chart that she would like to advise other patients to follow to ensure faster hair growth after chemo. Lisa’s diet included leafy greens, fruits, lean meats, eggs, and other vitamins, minerals, and protein-rich foods.  She also added, “Nuts became my staples.”

Herbal Products

I also had an opportunity to converse with a courageous 35-years Punjabi cancer survivor, Gurpreet. He, too, faced hair loss after his chemos. Despite losing hope initially, he followed his sister’s advice and started using herbal products to wash his scalp weekly. Now, after a year and a half, he proudly boasts his smooth hair.

Gurpreet said to me that he used green tea and chamomile tea. Both herbal concoctions serve as beneficial for scalp nourishment and hair regrowth. I was intrigued by what he said next – “The antioxidants present in these teas gave strength to my hair follicles, preventing breakage and thereby promoting healthier and fuller hair. In fact, they also helped me reduce my scalp inflammation.”

When I met another 29-years graceful Malayali lady from Chennai with a statuesque figure, Devika, I came in acquaintance with another herbal solution called aloe vera gel. Devika has short hair that cascades in smooth, curly locks, and; after years of fighting a deadly sarcoma (a cancer type) in the knee bone, after a long period of living without no hair at all due to chemotherapies, she got her beautiful hair back!

During our chitchat, she exclaimed to me, “Ahh! That was a struggle in itself; trying new herbal remedies to get back my hair. By applying Aloe Vera gel consistently for three months, I witnessed it work! Actually, they contain anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that create the environment for optimal hair regrowth after chemo.”

Gentle Hair Care

Last but not least, Manisha, a 37-years lung cancer fighter from Noida, spoke about the merits of gentle care in hair regrowth after chemo. During her skirmish journey against horrific cancerous growth in the last three years, she lost all her hair and got them back again by following easy yet effective hair care strategies.

As she confirmed, “I started my hair care by avoiding the use of harsh chemicals, heat styling tools like hair dryers or flat irons, and tight hairstyles that I knew may put more stress upon my delicate hair amidst the chemos. I, instead, chose mild, sulfate-free shampoos to wash my hair and also bought a wide-toothed comb that allows for detangling hair and making it air dry whenever possible.”

Perhaps, she knew that limiting brushing or hair styling is what can help hair growth after chemo, and her foresight did pay fruit. She knew that no matter when her hair would regrow after the treatment, they are likely to stay fragile. Hence, during the first six months after her chemo, she hung a big no-board to bleaches, dyes, or perms.

She also revealed, “While my scalp was sensitive and I could see my hair growing back slow and steady, I used to apply Ayurvedic sunscreen to my scalp and wore a hat while I went out. It was to protect my scalp from the UV rays and allow hairs to regrow as my body turns normal.”

Last Thoughts

Hey, fighter, are you still here? Well, it’s time for me to wrap up. But before leaving, I must say that a whopping 85% of cancer survivors experienced improved hair growth with a combination of a nutrient-rich diet, scalp massages, and gentle hair care products, as says many case studies and so as mine!

Now, ditch the worries and embrace the hair regrowth journey with open arms! No wonder your hair deserves some extra TLC.

Visit for more tips and tricks. Let’s rock those luscious locks together!

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Hi, I’m Alka Tiwari, healthcare marketer at HealthFinder. I started this blog to help you provide better healthcare information directly from the doctors.
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