
Gallbladder Surgery in Chandigarh to eradicate complicated health conditions!

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Gallbladder Surgery in Chandigarh to eradicate complicated health conditions!

Gallbladder Surgery to eradicate complicated health conditions!
Ideal opportunity for returning to the normal activities in just a week.

Does the right side of your abdomen hurt a lot?

And does it even manage to even reach your shoulder or back? Or, are you suffering from indigestion and feeling extremely bloated? And is there a nauseous disgust at all times? Alert! Before the situation can turn worse, cast it down on its root. Connect with the best gastrointestinal surgeon and pursue the most effective gallbladder surgery in Chandigarh. Take back what’s yours, a life as fit as fiddle! Presenting the safe and significant Laparoscopic surgical procedure!

Benefits of Gallbladder Surgery?

Minimal incision


Everyone will not always have tremendous patience or urge to go through open surgery with too many stitches in the body. Not just affecting patience, a kind of fear does revolve in our mind. The one not unnatural in the world full of probabilities! Even though surgeons in Chandigarh are quite efficient in overcoming the risk factors in a surgical procedure, a vast range of complications may approach after an open Gallbladder surgery. The Laparoscopic method, on the contrary, does not as such reflect those probable risk factors. It is because of the minimal cuts in the body.

Then why not go for the best Gallbladder surgery, Chandigarh, that reduces the chance of bile leakage or blood clots?


Bare minimum pain during surgery


Next, that is crucial to address is the pain that you inevitably want to have a checkout. For this purpose, the laparoscopic surgery carried out by the best gastrointestinal surgeons in Chandigarh can play a role. It eliminates the pain that you may have to go through during any deep and open surgery. Traditional methods cannot always be patient-friendly to our conditioning as an individual even if the doctor is.

That’s why we suggest opting for the bare minimum pain and the surgery that aids so. The Laparoscopic one!


No such post-operative pain


Even when we can slightly adjust ourselves in open surgery with anesthetics, the post-operative pain sweeps out our brain and body functioning as soon as we get back our conscious self. Sometimes, also when subconscious. And then, lasting for about a month! Here’s where we can change the consequences totally.

With Laparoscopic surgery, you will not have to go through any post-operative pain. The catalyst to heal an individual inside and out!


Less blood loss


Blood! The connective tissue in the entire bodily functioning that our hearts continue to pump for keeping us alive. When there is rampant blood loss, our white blood cells carrying oxygen will reduce in number, consequently stopping to assist our lungs in respiratory functioning. In turn, again, damaging our organs. No living being can possibly survive like that.

Relax! You do not need to shed your blood to such an extent during gallbladder surgery now.


Lesser possibility of infection

When blood loss is less, the incision is less, chances of infection are undoubtedly less. Precisely because the infections are more likely to occur from deep wounds and too much blood loss. On the other side, Laparoscopic Surgeons can make you free from all possibilities of infection that can create further chronic health conditions for you.

Perhaps, A perfect attribute to this technique can be the most common idiom, “ to kill two birds in one stone”. No, isn’t taking any life here, but enhancing more!


Smaller scar-mark

Marks are something we try not to keep in our memories for too long. Especially, when the marks are something too disturbing, we don’t want to recall. Yes, one such mark is certainly a scar-mark. Moreover, nowadays, we also consider the cosmetic merits and demerits of it. A large cut in our body is not something appealing to our cosmetic sense.

Taking the considerations, former, latter, or both, smaller scar-mark can be one benefit you will want to avail of in gallbladder surgery. Won’t you?


Quick Recovery of Gallbladder Surgery

In the fast and busy world, people barely have any time to wait. With a hectic schedule covering our everyday life, we need ourselves to be fit, on our legs, as soon as possible, so that we buck ourselves up for regular activities to survive. Certainly, there is any underlying growing population and corollary growing need everywhere one serves. That is what human civility ought to have.

Under such a backdrop, quick recovery from any kind of health issue and subsequent surgical treatment stands essential. Fetch it within a week now!


Shorter stay at the hospital

Staying at a hospital or clinic for many days alongside limited visitors to interact with and a lonely life to spend is always depressing. At the same time, we feel homesick, where our utmost peace lies. What’s more, what we crave at that time is fresh air and winds touching our body and soul while we come to a closer view of the natural world.

Not within four walls indeed! By availing of gallbladder surgery from a laparoscopic surgeon, you can avoid that stay. Furthermore, saving more money!


Eliminate the requirement of postoperative analgesia

Usually, after an operation, patients require conditions like analgesia ( a state of insensibility toward pain by using painkillers). But, these painkillers are not too appropriate all the time. They have some other side effects.

Do you not want to evade such negative effects on your health? If so, try opting for the safer methods for your Gallbladder surgery.


Safer for pregnant women

According to the survey results listed by the clinical and experimental reproductive medicine journal, 94.4 % of the women conceived within six months of Laparoscopic surgery, and 66.7% by three months. Doctors say it is safe during premature labor as well.

Henceforth, decreasing complications and morbidity rate among pregnant women.


This particular treatment process is not generally recommended to patients with high allergies and adverse effects of any sort of anesthesia. So, always consult the Laparoscopic doctor before going for your Gallbladder surgery.

Some salient Health tips

It is time to adopt a basic lifestyle modification model to stay healthy and free from gallbladder problems. They are:
1. Undertaking a low-fat diet,
2. Eating small meals but frequently,
3. Eliminating junk and spicy foods from our dietary habits,
4. Not overeating a lot after a long day of fasting,
5. Keeping conditions like diabetes under the limit mark,
6. High-fibre diet is preferable (mainly for pregnant women),
7. Put an end to sugar-rich foods or drinks,
8. Drinking too much alcohol can also be a problem, believe it or not.

Learn more facts about the surgery:

What is the exact process of Laparoscopic surgery?

— First, a minute incision of around 1 to 1.5 cm is made in your belly button, then inserting the cannula tube. This particular procedure is also called keyhole surgery, mainly because it is minimally invasive. That is what it is also referred to at, sometimes! A minimally invasive surgery!

Is Laparoscopic surgery suitable for all?

— Precisely why gastrointestinal surgeons prefer laparoscopic methods of Gallbladder surgery over Traditional open surgery. It is safer in terms of complications. But, as it may take more time than open surgery, people having problems with prolonged anesthesia are not recommended with it. Sometimes, you may even have fever or chills after the process.


When does Laparoscopic surgery stand as requisite?

— A Gallbladder surgery is necessary at times of chronic Gastrointestinal problems like

  1. Pancreatitis. The condition involving inflammation of the pancreas that is associated with the gallstones.
  2. While having an inflammatory gallbladder; the Health condition is regarded as Cholecystitis.
  3. The acute problem in the gallbladder restricting biliary draining since the gallstones block the functioning by moving into the bile duct. The process is termed Choledocholithiasis.
  4. During Biliary dyskinesia, where the gallbladder is not able to empty the bile for certain defects.

What happens before the Gallbladder surgery?

— Before you step into the operation theatre for your Gallbladder surgery, the doctor shall have a series of tests conducted to learn specifics about your Gallbladder problem. You will have to let the doctor be aware of your medical history. He shall ask for some blood tests, abdominal ultrasound, and urinalysis (the way of evaluating urine).

Are there any risks of Gallbladder surgery?

— All surgeries do come with some risk factor. For Gallbladder Surgery, some of the major risks are bleeding, infection, bile leakage, heart problems, blood clots, Hernia, etc. However, such risks are as less as 5% in the case of the Laparoscopic method of treatment.

About our Team

HealthFinder is here to take you through the journey of selecting a suitable treatment for your disorder. And further, intend to help you find the convenient and best medical care from the specialized healthcare service providers in Tricity.
We aspire to build a healthy human community and channelize the primary need of health and wellness to all the masses!

Your health care opportunity is our arena of concern!

Gallbladder Surgeon in Chandigarh
  • Dr. Manmohan Singh Bedi
  • Dr. Alok Ahuja
  • Dr. Sandeep Bhatia
  • Dr. Varun Gupta
  • Dr. Navdeep Singh Sandhu


Are you suffering from indigestion and feeling extremely bloated? And is there a nauseous disgust at all times? Alert! Before the situation can turn worse, cast it down on its root. Connect with the best gastrointestinal surgeon and pursue the most effective gallbladder surgery in Chandigarh. Take back what’s yours, a life as fit as fiddle! Presenting the safe and significant Laparoscopic surgical procedure!

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[…] You will likely be able to go home the same day or the next day. Gallbladder surgery to eradicate complicated health conditions.  The gallbladder is a small organ located beneath the liver that stores and concentrates bile. […]

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