
MRI in Chandigarh

Get 1.5T/3.0T MRI at best price in Chandigarh.

CT Scan in Chandigarh

Quality CT Scan with best service in Chandigarh.

PET Scan in Chandigarh

Accurate cancer detection with latest PET CT Scan.


HealthFinder Chandigarh - One platform to find all healthcare services at most affordable price nearest to you. We help you find best deals and discounts on any healthcare service you need. We list for free and ensure each healthcare provider profile is verified for medical license, qualification and specialization.

We are here to make the best of doctors, technology and care, made available for you. We believes in putting our patients first. We understand the issues patients face with the existing healthcare system in terms of prices and information.

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Alka Tiwari

Alka Tiwari
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Alka Tiwari
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